Stirley Farm  YWT 


Site Description

Recorders: Toby Needs                                      Length 1788m             Walk Time Approx: 1 hour        Altitude 184m         Established 2012

Stirley is an abandoned dairy farm has been restored for wildlife but also as a community farm.  The grasslands are being restoring increasing the diversity of flowers, insects, birds and mammals.

Grassland grazed periodically by shorthorn cattle at low stocking density.  Hay meadows cut late in the year to encourage wildflower growth.  Unmanaged hedges consist primarily of hawthorn, oak and sycamore. 

The threatened species Small Heath is present in moderate numbers


S1 and S2 meadows are good  smal skipper and Large skipper seen

S2  with S11 has teh highest numbers and most interest with Small Heath here  and nectar for the vanessids

S11  This damp grassalnd has teh most interesting array of species. Teh damp brings Orange Tip and Green-viened whites  but alos best section for Small heath after S2 

S12 is shaded hedgerows and contains good numbers of speckled wood and Holly blue seen
