Pastures YWT
Rievaulx, Hawnby
Site Details
Recorders : Rachael Haw, Kate Yates, Peter Christopherson, Gemma Brown Distance: 1157m Walk time: 45mins Altitude 200m.
YWT Ashberry Pastures transect is set with tall vegetation by the side of a stream fed by calcium rich springs which runs through the reserve. There were many plants typical of limestone marsh and grassland with extensive patches of Marsh Lousewort; Marsh Valerian, Marsh Pennywort and Marsh Bedstraw are also found. abundant sedges such as Glaucous, Carnation, Hairy and Bottle and at least four species of rush, plus Butterwort along with Bird’s-eye Primroses can be seen.
Its butterfly importance is because it is a former Duk of Burgundy site but also has the threatened Wall and Small Heath Butterfly plus occasional Dingy Skipper
The damp areas of section 1 favours the Orange Tip . The first three sections are mostly grassland favoured by Large and Small Skippers, Dingy Skipper and the Browns. As you head upwards entering more dense woodland in Section 4 and 5 opening in section 6 Section 7 yields larger numbers particularly woodland species including a single Silver-washed Fritillary in 2020 and Speckled wood but also Wall has been seen.