Broxa FC
Dalby Forest
Site Description
Recorders: Vacant Last walked 2017 Walk Time approx: 1 hour 40mins
This transect just north of the village is mostly along farm tracks in the bottom of a steep valley and is maninly agricultural along the brook and the mid- upperslopes forested with Springwood being mostly Deciduous and Hard Dale being coniferous but either side of the track there are areas of Unimproved flower rich grassland in sections 4, 5 and 6 but also S12. S1-2 are farm tracks bordering woodland and hedges. S3 is improved pasture land with cattle S7 we enter coniferous forest and then a improved grazing field of S8 and S9 back into woodland of S10 and then improved pasture of S11.
The meadow areas of S6 and S12 produce the largest number of records with a high proportion of Ringlets and meadow Browns from S6 and large numbers of Vannesids from S12 and other years other sections . S4 is a favourite with orange tips and Drark Green fritillary has been seen in S6 and Purple hairstreaks in S10's woodland