Littleworth Park
Cudworth, Barnsley
Site Details
Recorders: Length: 2000m Altitude: Walk Time 1 hour Last walked in 2019
This former colliery spoil heap and landfill site and it is quickly reverting to lowland heath and grassland with stunning blooms of heather and wildflowers.
S1 and nextdoor S8 are the place to see Dingy Skippers. Damper areas of S1 is also favoured by Ringlet and Large Skipper and Orange Tip.
S3 is the favourite for Common Blue, Meadow Browns, Small Copper and Small Heath and S4 is similar.
S5and S6 are less favoured by many S7 is favoured By te Vannesids particularly Comma and Red admiral as well as Orange Tip and Wall has been seen here.
S8 is favoured for Small Skipper , Common Blue, Brimstone, Meadow Brown and Small Heath.
Results 2019
2019 was certainly a very good year particularly for the Browns which pushed the average up 50% in total numbers
There were huge increases in Gatekeeper, Meadow Brown and Small Heath while Ringlet dipped significantly in this warm summer. Peacock and Comma had good years and of course it was a great year for Painted Lady although they were not seen in number here.
Small Copper was not seen.
Dingy Skipper and Common Blue had average years.
Small Skipper saw a large increase in numbers and Wall Brown was recorded for the first time.