Duck Street Quarry

Privately owner reserve for Butterflies 


Recorders:   Georgie  Jones  &  Nigel Heptingstall                                    Distance:  931m         Area 6.5 acre      Altitude 391m                                  Walk Time: 30mins

This is the premier butterfly site on the edge of Nidderdale. It is a private site and permission is needed from an owner for access.  This is for safety reasons with the many cliff faces of the old quarry, rough terrain and many hazards present

It is an abandoned limestone quarry that is a Site of Special Scientific Interest for its geological features. It also has a rich limestone grassland flora.  Some years Dark Green Fritillary can be very common. 

This transect is teh highest in Yorkshire at nearly 400m and roughly teh same as Malham and Inglebrough transects.


The butterfly highlights are in Sections 1,  5 and 6 along the southern edge of the site  but no dark green fritillaeries were seen in 2022

2024  Results 

 Countywide, after a warm winter  April turned  cold, very wet and dull and everything just about stopped and it was near impossible to transect walk all month. By May  there were already  losses  among our spring species being  down a third in numbers.  June brought Arctic winds, a complete reversal of  the Hot June of 2023 when nine  species reached all time highs here and across the UK.  For the  first two weeks of this June  temperatures  were 8’C cooler than  in 2023 around  a frigid  9’C  with  only 5 good days of sun at the end of the month.  The  first three weeks of July had  the same theme of  cool and damp with 5 warm sunny days at the end. Transect walking for many  was very difficult.  The  persistence of the cold and damp over such a long period had a devastating effect with numerically two thirds of our butterflies in the critical later stages of their development; mortality was very high. It was  also one of the longest June  ‘Lulls’  lasting from late May to the beginning of July. When the main flight  season did arrive it  was  slow to build up  and there was no usual peak. Better weather in August helped  save the second generation and very unusually numbers actually went up at the start of September.


        For many species it was a triple whammy after  the heat and droughts of the previous 2 years and  last July’s poor flight period this year made it a perfect storm. Overall, annual numbers were down 41% against the average and 45% down on last year.  Half our species were down more than 50% and a quarter down more  than 70%. The Lycaenids, Vannesids and the Fritillaries were amongst the worst affected. Many transect walkers did not see  a single Common Blue, Small Copper, Holly Blue, or Brown Argus until late into their 2nd broods..  Four of our long term declining species Common Blue, Small Heath, Small Skipper and Green-veined White  had  their worst year ever recorded. 

The Winners and less bad losers 

      Northern Brown Argus  had an exceptional year up near 50%  Other species bucking  the trend were Brimstone and Marbled White. The  damp  loving Ringlet on many limestone/dry sites  were up a half  while on most wet sites they fell by a half.  However if it wasn’t for Ringlet holding up the overall numerical losses, this year would have been significantly worse. It often happens when Meadow Brown has a very poor year, like this one, Ringlet does proportionally better, and vice versa in a warm year. 

It has all happened before… many times.    

It was our worst year since 2016 but nearly as bad as 2009  when numbers  were  down 50%.  2024 comes after a run of 6 relatively good years since 2018  along with  rapidly rising temperatures including 2 of our hottest summers which were followed by two of our best butterfly years in 2019 and 2023. It is  likely 2024 was a blip

Transect reports

Duck Street did way better than the majority of sites and after an absence of dark Green Fritillary just 2 years ago they have returned in force proving teh species is recovering nowat least on dry sites of the dales  like here and Crook Sike. Peacock also  did better as they did in most locations. meadow brown numbers held up but as with elsewhere Smath Heath is having trouble.  Common Blue also held up as they did on a few dryer sites. 

2023  Results 

County wide 2023 results reflect  the 2022 and  2023 spring drought with Small Tortoiseshell and Peacock nearly halved for the second year against their 5 year average. Red Admiral arrived in force in July and took advantage of soft nettle growth of the rains and had their best year ever. Drought sensitive species on thin soils were badly hit,  particularly Dark -green Fritillary and Northern Brown Argus but also Ringlet, Green-viened White and Small Heath.  Less drought affected species along with the hottest June on record built even more on gains last year leading to Comma, Brimstone, Holly Blue and most Browns  having a fantastic year reaching all time highs. A increase of 9% overall was mostly due to sheer numbers of Meadow Browns and Gatekeepers ment 2023 nearly pipped 2014 as best year in modern times.  Most noticeable was the large differeces between mositure retaining mineral soils of the valleys and thin, dry limestone or sandy soils. A large number of damp grassland, hedgerow and woodland  dominated sites benefitted hugely with 3 sites seeing more than 50% increase . A smaller number of thin, chalky, sandy or craggy sites did badly some down up to 25%.

Although a bit short of data this year numbers look similar to last year  however there are significant gains and losses mostly inline with county trends.   Biggest losses were Common Blue,  Ringlet and Small heath  which are all in line with th count trends on dry sites and  illustrates that drought in last years extreme heat had a significant affect on species that dont cope so well. Increases in Meadow Brown,  that boomed county wide contrasts with Smal Tortoiseshells and Peacock whichrather than decrease showed signs of a strong recovery as they did throughout the dales.

Great also to see the Dark green Fritillary return which has had a pasting throughout its range due to drought, brings hope they might stay again. 

2022  Results 

Although the transect didnt start till mid May not much was missed. This is a very good site for Common Blue and is largely singel brooded although this year there was evidence on a very small second brood. Similarly Small heath is very common and teh most abundant species on the site which is good for a trheatened species, again only a single brood was in evidence.  Numbers of other species reflect teh county trends with whites  other than Smal lwhite not doing well in teh drought  whiel red admiral was up from teh number of thsi years migrants. Peacock you can suspect suffered very badly as elsewhere and Smal Tortoiseshell disappeared all togther after  early August which is exactly like elsewhere  no second brood and summer adults hibernated quickly and never ventured back out.  Great to see and Orange Tip flying at this altitude 

Will the fritillaries return?

2023  Results