

Site Details 

Recorders:  George Porton, Mark Sayers                Distance: 2744                 Walk time:  1.25 hrs

A dry limestone grassalnd site on the north face of Inglebrough


S1 starts at New Bridge off Gauber road

S2 joins the path to Colts Park

S3 At Colt park across new Close  following the contour  and favours Small heath

S4 Descends onto Gauber High Pasture  and then follows the contour has teh highest count  particularly Small Heath 

S5 dscends down Fell Close Rocks and counts are low on all species dowmn to S7

S6 descends down Sleights Pasture Rocks 

S7 decends at the  north tip of Inglebrough off Low Sleights Road  across Ashes Shaw 

Results: 2023:

A better year of recording and results on a par with 2021 but with  trends which follow the county trends.  The big losers on dry sites like this are Green-viened White and Small Heath as can be seen.   In addition Peacock and Small Tortoiseshell as countywide took heavy loses after the very hot summer of 2002. The winners  were largely migrant Red Admiral  and quadrupling in Meadow Brown  cancelling out the loses.


2021 results

Small Heath is very much the dominant species  on the fells along with Green viened Whites.